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Some quick "how to" videos 

sometimes some of the repetitive activities that new parents need to do with their baby can feel really odd and awkward at first, until you get your bearings. Here are a few video clips that you are welcome to visit as often as you feel you need to, so that you understand some of the basics.

Quick clip about some key things to remember when diapering a baby

While it isn't difficult to change a diaper, it can feel awkward the first few times you do it. Don't sweat. You will be a pro in no time!

Quick clip about how many layers to dress baby in

It's okay for babies not to wear much of anything when it is really hot out and there isn't any air conditioning. Otherwise, one more layer than you would be comfortable in, is a good rule to use as a guide.

Quick clip for picking baby up and 2 ways to hold them

Everyone feels a little awkward the first several times they hold a baby, whether they are young children learning or adults holding their own child for the first time. Give yourself time and grace to learn what holds feel most comfortable for you.

Quick clip with 2 ways to swaddle baby

Some babies love to be swaddled. Others hate it. Some start off loving it and outgrow it quickly or they are only able to be settled when their arms are out. All of this is normal and in spite of what many people may tell you, it is okay to follow your heart and your baby's cues to determine what works best for you.

Quick clip with 2 techniques to burp a baby

Whether it is on your shoulder or over your arm, babies need to be burped partway through and after every feeding when they are very young.

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