Parenting Your Tween & Teen
This package is designed for parents of children ages 13 and up in mind.
Your children really begin to shine at this time in their lives. They are building friendships that they have forged on their own. They have developed something of their own style, their own taste in music and are trying to determine what direction they want to take in their lives. They are finding their first job and are learning about responsibility outside of your four walls.
As they desperately want to be adults and to be treated as such, they also want to be able to lean on you as the children they continue to be. It can be so hard to balance their wants with ensuring you are setting them up for educational, employment and independent success. We want them to remain our "little babies" but they aren’t. We aren't helping them grow up if we aren't working with them to them mature into the best versions of themselves that they can be.
It isn't unusual that during this is the time boundaries are crossed and conflict arises between you and all of the people you love most.
These sessions are designed to focus on helping you navigate all of your own emotions about watching your child grow up and away from you while establishing expectations that respect every member of your family
Costs: $600.00
(any additional consultations in this category would be billed at $225.00/hour)